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Poker RNG Review: Definitely Possible

There is a product out there called Poker RNG, standing for Random Number Generator and claiming that if you use this software, you can make a killing at online poker because you'll know what cards are about to come out.

This product requires you to manually input your Texas Hold'em hole cards over the course of 2,000 hands, and then after you've manually inputted that information, the software can figure out the dealing software's tendencies and next moves.

In short, the Poker RNG software says it's better than your online casino's software.

Do you think that this product is the best RNG product out there? If so you are a complete fool! Seriously come on, manually entering in data?! That is so 20th Century.

On the contrary, as anyone with half a brain knows, if you really had a software program that could crack the code of which card or cards is about to be dealt, you would keep this software to yourself or at least you would not be selling it for under $500.

This is not to say that Poker RNG the public, for-sale product does not work; we have not, as of this writing, formally reviewed this offering.

Instead, we are only pointing out that whatever the common man has access to in this regard of RNG software is likely to pale in comparison to what people who can pay a lot more than $497 can access or construct.

You will hear people argue this point ferociously, but it is simple logic, and it can’t be refuted or ignored:

If you can program it, it is not random and can therefore by nature be reverse engineered. The lines of code that tell your software to at randomly are themselves indicative of a lack of randomness. This may be philosophical but philosophy contains truth.

To put it more bluntly, software geeks love to surpass each other's cleverness. That's what gets them off and it's what they do all day long.

Computer Are Smart

What's more, the speed of computers allows for even very, very, very complex algorithms to be reverse engineered in very, very, very little time and in many cases without a great deal of human effort.

Again, we are just speaking to the logic of the situation and are not implying that we, ourselves, have cracked an RNG code.

We do however ardently believe though that someone smarter than us, with a good computer and the time and effort to devote to such an endeavor, could reverse engineer almost any algorithm, regardless of its complexity.

If you think about the other feats engineers have accomplished--putting men on the moon, building New York City, Google--you should have no problem believing that an engineer or team of engineers could creating an RNG program that could "beat" the dealing algorithms being employed by at least one of the online casinos.

And these days, with so many millions of people playing online poker, all the casinos you need to beat is one and you'll have yourself a real nice revenue stream.

We hate to be opinionated but we are skeptical to believe online casinos' claims their systems are so foolproof that no hacker could ever do damage.

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